Hallo zusammen,
bin gerade in Coadd auf einen Fehler gelaufen, hat jemand 'ne Idee, woran das liegen könnte?
Coaddition: initialising ...
Coaddition: resampling images ...
Coaddition: rejecting outliers ...
Coaddition: coadding images ...
Coaddition: updating header ...
ERROR (line 6871): Showing you the log ...
Dort findet sich:
+ /home/mj/src/THELI/theli//bin/Linux_64//swarpfilter -i /home/mj/.theli/tmp//cosmic.list_26387 -k 4 -n 1000
Manually provided blocksize: 1000
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
what(): vector::_M_fill_insert
./resample_filtercosmics.sh: line 94: 27073 Aborted (core dumped) ${P_SWARPFILTER} -i ${TEMPDIR}/cosmic.list_$$ -k ${V_COADD_FILTERTHRESHOLD} ${CLUSTERSIZE} ${BORDERWIDTH} -n ${NUMLINES}
und weiter unten:
[1A----- SWarp 2.19.1 started on 2016-12-04 at 17:43:30 with 1 thread
[1A-------------- File NGC1499_LIGHT_20161130_046_B_1OFC.sub.Blue.resamp.fits:
"UNKNOWN" WEIGHTED no ext. header 1x1 32 bits (floats)
Center: 00:38:53.94 +13:39:02.2 0.0117'x0.0117' Scale: 0.6994 ''/pixel
Gain: 0 e-/ADU Flux scaling (astrom/photom): 1 X / 0.000652 X
Background: 0.5704766 RMS: 33.52735 Weight scale: 1
-------------- Co-adding frames
Maximum overlap density: 3 frames
> Not enough memory for emptybuf (width elements) !
LG, Martin