Hallo Thelianer,
ich habe kürzlich mein Ubuntu komplett neu installiert, diesmal 16.04 LTS 64bit, vorher war 14.04 LTS drauf (ich meine 32bit).
Ich finde jetzt hier für einen Satz Astroaufnahmen einfach keine Astrometrielösung, obwohl die Rohdaten gut sind, ich auch viele Parameter für die Astrometrie probiert habe und der Plot eigentlich vernünftig aussieht.
Scamp wird mit dieser Ubuntu-Version bereits mitgeliefert: SCAMP version 2.0.4 (2014-07-09)
Habe jetzt mal die Astrometrie nur über ein Luminanz- und ein Blau-Bild laufen lassen.
Hier der Plot: https://i.imgsafe.org/90a694c8c2.png
Die Fehlermeldung ist folgende (Die Theli-Gui öffnet theli_ap_comm.sh.log in einem xterm):
Das scamp.log_$$ sagt:
[1A----- SCAMP 2.0.4 started on 2017-01-25 at 21:15:14 with 1 thread
[1A----- 2 inputs:
[1M> Examining Catalog M97_Blue_0001_scamp.cat
[1A[1M> M97_Blue_0001_scamp.cat : 0 / 0 detections stored
[1AM97_Blue_0001_scamp.cat: "M97 " no ext. header 1 set 622 detections
[1M> Examining Catalog M97_Luminance_0001_scamp.cat
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp.cat : 0 / 0 detections stored
[1AM97_Luminance_0001_scamp.cat: "M97 " no ext. header 1 set 1183 detections
----- 1805 detections loaded
----- 1 instrument found for astrometry:
Instrument A1 :
1 extensions
----- 1 instrument found for photometry:
Instrument P1 :
----- 1 field group found:
Group 1: 2 fields at 11:12:58.41 +55:20:05.5 with radius 48.68'
[7m instruments epoch center coordinates radius scale [0m
M97_Blue_0001_scamp. A1 P1 0.0 11:12:58.41 +55:20:05.5 48.68' 1.390"
M97_Luminance_0001_s A1 P1 0.0 11:12:58.41 +55:20:05.5 48.68' 1.390"
[1M> Making mosaic adjustments...
[1A----- Reference catalogs:
[1M> Examining Catalog theli_mystd_scamp.cat...
[1A[1M> Loading Catalog theli_mystd_scamp.cat...
> WARNING: OBSDATE parameter not found in catalog theli_mystd_scamp.cat
> WARNING: FLAGS parameter not found in catalog theli_mystd_scamp.cat
[1M> theli_mystd_scamp.cat: 0 / 0 references stored
[1A 281 astrometric references loaded from theli_mystd_scamp.cat
[1A Group 1: 281 standards found in file (1 band)
----- Astrometric matching:
[1M> Starting field matching...
[1A[1M> Matching field M97_Blue_0001_scamp.cat...
[1A[1M> M97_Blue_0001_scamp.cat: detection pair #100000 / 193131 processed
[1A Group 1: 281 standards in file (band 1)
[7m instruments pos.angle scale cont. shift cont.[0m
M97_Blue_0001_scam A1 P1 -177.57 deg 1.395" 30.5 +4.8" -23." 36.0
[1M> Matching field M97_Luminance_0001_scamp.cat...
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp: detection pair #100000 / 699153 processed
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp: detection pair #200000 / 699153 processed
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp: detection pair #300000 / 699153 processed
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp: detection pair #400000 / 699153 processed
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp: detection pair #500000 / 699153 processed
[1A[1M> M97_Luminance_0001_scamp: detection pair #600000 / 699153 processed
[1AM97_Luminance_0001 A1 P1 -177.69 deg 1.394" 31.7 +8.1" -22." 39.1
[1M> Making preliminary cross-identifications in group 1
[1A[1M> Initializing detection weight factors...
[1A[1M> Initializing the global astrometry matrix...
[1A[1M> Starting fetching to matrix...
[1A[1M> Filling the global astrometry matrix: group 1/1, field 1/2
[1A[1M> Filling the global astrometry matrix: group 1/1, field 2/2
[1A[1M> Fixing the degrees of freedom
[1A[1M> Solving the global astrometry matrix...
----- Astrometric clipping:
[1M> Making cross-identifications in group 1
[1A[1M> Computing astrometric stats for group 1
[1A[1M> Astrometric clipping in group 1
[1A Group 1: 12/1016 detections removed
[1M> Initializing detection weight factors...
[1A[1M> Initializing the global astrometry matrix...
[1A[1M> Starting fetching to matrix...
[1A[1M> Filling the global astrometry matrix: group 1/1, field 1/2
[1A[1M> Filling the global astrometry matrix: group 1/1, field 2/2
[1A[1M> Fixing the degrees of freedom
[1A[1M> Solving the global astrometry matrix...
----- Astrometric stats (internal) :
[7m All detections | High S/N [0m
[7m dAXIS1 dAXIS2 chi2 ndets | dAXIS1 dAXIS2 chi2 ndets[0m
[1M> Making cross-identifications in group 1
[1AGroup 1: 0.056" 0.0766" 4 1001 0.0472" 0.0583" 3.8 898
----- Astrometric stats (external):
[7m All detections | High S/N [0m
[7m dAXIS1 dAXIS2 chi2 nstars | dAXIS1 dAXIS2 chi2 nstars[0m
Group 1: 0.228" 0.185" 1.6 224 0.228" 0.186" 1.6 224
[1M> Initializing the global photometry matrix...
[1A[1M> Solving the global photometry matrix...
----- Photometric clipping:
[1M> Computing photometric stats for group 1 / P1
[1A Group 1 / P1 : 1/1001 detections removed
[1M> Initializing the global photometry matrix...
[1A[1M> Solving the global photometry matrix...
----- Photometric stats (internal):
[7m All detections | High S/N [0m
[7m Instru mag RMS chi2 ndets | mag RMS chi2 ndets[0m
Group 1: P1 0.177 1.5e+02 999 0.161 1.9e+02 897
----- Photometric stats (external):
[7m All detections | High S/N [0m
[7m Instru mag RMS chi2 nstars | mag RMS chi2 nstars[0m
[1M> Merging detections...
[1A[1M> Computing global color indices
[1A[1M> Saving image headers...
[1A[1M> Generating group plots...
[1A[1M> Generating astrometric plots...
Sieht eigentlich vernünftig aus oder? Also ich glaube nicht dass es an scamp liegt.
Die letzten Zeilen von theli_ap_comm.sh.log:
# leave if chips.cat5 does not exist
if [ ! -f /$1/$2/cat/chips.cat5 ]; then
exit 1
+ '[' '!' -f //media/cmon/Seagate/20160507_M97M108//lrgb/cat/chips.cat5 ']'
# check whether the STATS table exists
${P_LDACDESC} -i /$1/$2/cat/chips.cat5 | grep "Extension name" | \
grep STATS | wc | ${P_GAWK} '{print $1}' > ${TEMPDIR}/testtable
+ /usr/bin/gawk '{print $1}'
+ wc
+ grep STATS
+ grep 'Extension name'
+ /home/cmon/Theli/theli//bin/Linux_64//ldacdesc -i //media/cmon/Seagate/20160507_M97M108//lrgb/cat/chips.cat
> All done
testtable=`cat ${TEMPDIR}/testtable`
cat ${TEMPDIR}/testtable
++ cat /home/cmon/.theli/tmp//testtable
+ testtable=1
if [ "${testtable}" = "0" ]; then
exit 1
+ '[' 1 = 0 ']'
# check whether absphot info is available.
# if not, then there is nothing to do and we can exit
${P_LDACTESTEXIST} -i /$1/$2/cat/chips.cat5 -t STATS -k ZP1
+ /home/cmon/Theli/theli//bin/Linux_64//ldactestexist -i //media/cmon/Seagate/20160507_M97M108//lrgb/cat/chip
s.cat5 -t STATS -k ZP1
> Reading catalog
> *Error*: found no such key: ZP1
if [ "$?" -gt "0" ]; then
exit 1
+ '[' 1 -gt 0 ']'
+ exit 1
Da scheint's zu hängen...was ist dieser Key ZP1?
Aber führt dieser Fehler zu dem oben genannten Segmentationsfehler?
Hoffe jemand kann mir helfen, vielen Dank schon mal!
Viele Grüße