das nächste Problem mit meinem Milchstraßenpanorama. Ich wollte eben mal ein Farbbild rausrechnen lassen. Das Coadd für jeden Kanal ist soweit OK, aber das "Prepare Color Picture" funktioniert nicht (mehr)
Ich kann das Programm zwar aufrufen und es erscheinen mir die 3 Coadds für die jeweilige Farbe in dem ersten Fenster, aber wenn ich dann auf "Get coadded images" drücke ist Schluß. Es blitzt in dem 2. Fenster noch mal kurz Blue.fits, Green.fits und Red.fits auf, verschwindet aber dann sofort wieder. Das Verzeichnis color_theli wird angelegt, ist aber leer, auch das Backup-Verzeichnis. Auf der Platte sind noch 400GB Platz.
Hier das Logfile :
- Code: Alles auswählen
theli@theli:~/.theli/scripts$ more theli_getmaxoverlap.sh.log
qfits: error: pixio: cannot get number of extensions in Blue.fits
\_/ **** fatal error in pid 7725
'-0-' **** segmentation fault or bus error
./getmaxoverlap.sh: line 45: 7725 Aborted ${P_FITSCUT} -i ${file} -o ${BASE}_cropped.fits -x ${xlownew}
${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
qfits: error: pixio: cannot get number of extensions in Blue.weight.fits
\_/ **** fatal error in pid 7726
'-0-' **** segmentation fault or bus error
./getmaxoverlap.sh: line 45: 7726 Aborted ${P_FITSCUT} -i ${BASE}.weight.fits -o ${BASE}_cropped.weight.
fits -x ${xlownew} ${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
qfits: error: pixio: cannot get number of extensions in Green.fits
\_/ **** fatal error in pid 7750
'-0-' **** segmentation fault or bus error
./getmaxoverlap.sh: line 45: 7750 Aborted ${P_FITSCUT} -i ${file} -o ${BASE}_cropped.fits -x ${xlownew}
${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
qfits: error: pixio: cannot get number of extensions in Green.weight.fits
\_/ **** fatal error in pid 7751
'-0-' **** segmentation fault or bus error
./getmaxoverlap.sh: line 45: 7751 Aborted ${P_FITSCUT} -i ${BASE}.weight.fits -o ${BASE}_cropped.weight.
fits -x ${xlownew} ${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
qfits: error: pixio: cannot get number of extensions in Red.fits
\_/ **** fatal error in pid 7775
'-0-' **** segmentation fault or bus error
./getmaxoverlap.sh: line 45: 7775 Aborted ${P_FITSCUT} -i ${file} -o ${BASE}_cropped.fits -x ${xlownew}
${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
qfits: error: pixio: cannot get number of extensions in Red.weight.fits
\_/ **** fatal error in pid 7776
'-0-' **** segmentation fault or bus error
./getmaxoverlap.sh: line 45: 7776 Aborted ${P_FITSCUT} -i ${BASE}.weight.fits -o ${BASE}_cropped.weight.
fits -x ${xlownew} ${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
und die beiden Scripts :
- Code: Alles auswählen
theli@theli:~/.theli/scripts$ more theli_getmaxoverlap.sh
# ******************************************
# ***** Created on the fly by THELI *****
# ******************************************
export INSTRUMENT=CanonEOS450DaRAW@35mm
cd /home/theli/.theli/scripts/
. progs.ini
} > /home/theli/.theli/scripts/theli_getmaxoverlap.sh.log 2>&1
echo THELIMESSAGE: finished
- Code: Alles auswählen
theli@theli:~/.theli/scripts$ more getmaxoverlap.sh
# ******************************************
# ***** Create color image: maxoverlap *****
# ***** created by THELI *****
# ******************************************
cd /home/theli/THELI/theli//gui/scripts/
. progs.ini
. bash.include
cd /home/theli/THELI/Daten/Alle/color_theli/
${P_DFITS} Blue.fits Green.fits Red.fits | ${P_FITSORT} CRPIX1 CRPIX2 NAXIS1 NAXIS2 \
| ${P_GAWK} '($1 !~ /FILE/) {print $2, $3, $4, $5}' > tmp_$$
xlow=`${P_GAWK} 'BEGIN {min = 1000000} {if ($1<min) min = $1} END {print (-1)*min}' tmp_$$`
ylow=`${P_GAWK} 'BEGIN {min = 1000000} {if ($2<min) min = $2} END {print (-1)*min}' tmp_$$`
xhigh=`${P_GAWK} 'BEGIN {min = 1000000} {if (($3-$1)<min) min = $3-$1} END {print min}' tmp_$$`
yhigh=`${P_GAWK} 'BEGIN {min = 1000000} {if (($4-$2)<min) min = $4-$2} END {print min}' tmp_$$`
ls -1 Blue.fits Green.fits Red.fits > tmp_$$
cat tmp_$$ |\
while read file
crpix1=`get_key ${file} CRPIX1`
crpix2=`get_key ${file} CRPIX2`
BASE=`basename ${file} .fits`
xlownew=`echo ${xlow} ${crpix1} | ${P_GAWK} '{print $2+$1+1}'`
ylownew=`echo ${ylow} ${crpix2} | ${P_GAWK} '{print $2+$1+1}'`
xhighnew=`echo ${xhigh} ${crpix1} | ${P_GAWK} '{print $2+$1}'`
yhighnew=`echo ${yhigh} ${crpix2} | ${P_GAWK} '{print $2+$1}'`
${P_FITSCUT} -i ${file} -o ${BASE}_cropped.fits \
-x ${xlownew} ${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
if [ -f ${BASE}.weight.fits ]; then
${P_FITSCUT} -i ${BASE}.weight.fits -o ${BASE}_cropped.weight.fits \
-x ${xlownew} ${xhighnew} ${ylownew} ${yhighnew}
rm ${BASE}.weight.fits
rm ${file}
\rm tmp_$$
Hülfääää !