reload project

Wie arbeite ich mit Theli, wie verarbeite ich in Theli erstellten Bilder ?

reload project

Beitragvon maren551 » Donnerstag 5. Mai 2022, 21:21

My apologies for this probably rather mundane question. I have different projects running with Theliv3- one using FourStar and one using Grond. So I created two different projects. But- once I close Theli I haven't found a way to open either of those projects. I know there is the Open Project button, but when I use it, and try to point at the project1.conf file it fails. Assuming of course that is how one opens a project. Setting the data tree again is not an issue, but as soon as I reach later steps of the reduction it would be nice to be able to recall all adjusted parameters. So how can I reopen a specific objects, or why doesn't the OPEN not find the conf- files for either of them?

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Freitag 15. März 2019, 18:40

Re: reload project

Beitragvon mischa » Freitag 6. Mai 2022, 18:52

Hi Maren,

nice to hearing from you! In principle you are doing the right thing. Let's troubleshoot this over email, please get in touch with me at

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Registriert: Freitag 7. Oktober 2011, 14:07
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